Important Note to Students

The HAMLIT assignment page is a convenience but not something to be dependent on. When possible, homework and reading assignments will be posted here, but you are expected to complete all assignments that are announced in class on time, regardless of whether they are posted online. If you are absent, or do not remember if there is an assignment, you will need to contact another member of class to verify what the assignment is. Neither I nor the site are responsible for your failure to complete this responsibility.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Due Tuesday

Please read the memoir excerpt from Zitkala Sa (pages 935-940 in the white book). I would encourage you to ponder the questions at the end of the passage as well as the portraits.

For Wednesday, please have your research paper "observation" ready to submit. The powerpoint from in class today is available here.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Study Guide

Here is an early draft of your semester 1 study guide. I don't anticipate it changing too much...I hope.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

John Brown Articles due Tuesday, 1/17

You will be reading the John Brown articles in your white book and considering the question: is John Brown best seen as a patriot or a terrorist? (731-754). You will be gathering evidence from your articles on a 4 quadrant chart that you will turn in for points. The evidence that you list should be a combination of paraphrase and direct quotations and contain a parenthetical citation of author and page number. Each quadrant concept is explained in more detail below.


In this quadrant, you will list evidence from your articles supporting the claim that John Brown and his actions should be seen as patriotic.


In this quadrant, you will list evidence from your articles supporting the claim that John Brown and his actions should be seen as terrorism.

Refutations and outside examples that support Patriotism:

In this quadrant you are going to list examples from your articles where you refute the evidence the writer gives you. In other words, your author is claiming he is a terrorist, but you are going to refute your author's claim and thereby prove that he is actually better seen as a patriot.

You are also going to try to find a relevant example from another time or place in history that you will compare to Brown and allow you to prove that he was a patriot.

Refutations and outside examples that support Terrorist

In this quadrant you are going to list examples from your article where you refute the evidence the writer gives you. In other words, they are claiming he is a patriot, but you are going to refute your author's claim and thereby prove that he is actually better seen as a terrorist.

You are also going to try to find a relevant example from another time or place in history that you will compare to Brown and allow you to prove that he was a terrorist.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Synthesis Samples

Many high schools, colleges, and universities have honor codes or honor systems: sets of rules or principles that are
intended to cultivate integrity. These rules or principles often take the form of written positions on practices like
cheating, stealing, and plagiarizing as well as on the consequences of violating the established codes.
Carefully read the following six sources, including the introductory information for each source. Then synthesize
information from at least three of the sources and incorporate it into a coherent, well-developed argument for your
own position on whether your school should establish, maintain, revise, or eliminate an honor code or honor system.
Your argument should be the focus of your essay. Use the sources to develop your argument and explain the
reasoning for it. Avoid merely summarizing the sources. Indicate clearly which sources you are drawing from,
whether through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source B, etc.,
or by using the descriptions in parentheses.

Source A (cartoon)
Source B (Vangelli)
Source C (Dirmeyer and Cartwright)
Source D (Kahn)
Source E (table)
Source F (McCabe and Pavela)

Synthesis Scoring Guide: Honor Code

Synthesis Samples: Honor Code