Important Note to Students

The HAMLIT assignment page is a convenience but not something to be dependent on. When possible, homework and reading assignments will be posted here, but you are expected to complete all assignments that are announced in class on time, regardless of whether they are posted online. If you are absent, or do not remember if there is an assignment, you will need to contact another member of class to verify what the assignment is. Neither I nor the site are responsible for your failure to complete this responsibility.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Verification Info for those who need it...

Your Verification Stack

You must have a photo copy for each quotation in your Research Paper.
They must be arranged in the same order they appear in your paper.
Remember, this will include both observation quotations (from Huck Finn) and your importance quotations (from critical sources).
If you use the same page for more than one quotation, you must have a copy of this page for every time a quotation from this page is used.
If a photo copy is missing, you must provide a piece of paper in its place that indicates it is missing. [ I do not have a copy of the Smith Quotation.]
You must highlight a quotation you have used directly.
You must draw a box around (in highlighter) a section you have paraphrased.
You must highlight the page number on the photocopy.
The stack must be stapled together with your name in a prominent location, but the stack is not stapled to your research paper!