Important Note to Students

The HAMLIT assignment page is a convenience but not something to be dependent on. When possible, homework and reading assignments will be posted here, but you are expected to complete all assignments that are announced in class on time, regardless of whether they are posted online. If you are absent, or do not remember if there is an assignment, you will need to contact another member of class to verify what the assignment is. Neither I nor the site are responsible for your failure to complete this responsibility.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Due Tuesday, 1/18

Make sure to read "To Build a Fire" by Jack London. An e-text is available here in case you didn't take your book home for the weekend.

Semester 1 final information is available to the left. Note that there the essay component will be thesis/antithesis structure.

The make up assignment for the Romanticism in-class essay will be available next week.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Due 1/10

Please bring a rough draft of your satire paper today. For the ease of our editing, please do not directly reveal what your satire is on by titling your paper, "My Satire of Facebook" or something like that. We want to see if your peer editors are able to guess your target just by what you've written.

We will also be continuing our discussion of Huck Finn's ending today, so come with an opinion!