Please complete the following required (and optional) components of the Colonial Comparison paper follow-up assignment.
1. Please write a few sentences about which type of person you are the closest to: Summarizer, Generalizer, Minimalist. It's okay if you reflect on being a combination of these people.
2. Please answer all of my questions that I wrote in your paper's margins. Reprint my original question, so I know what you're responding to.
*optional elements are below*
3. Rewrite 1-2 analytical units (examples) showing growth in your analysis. Most likely, the answers that you provided to my questions will help you in doing this. This may result in a slight boost to your analysis score.
4. If your score on conventions was lower than a 2.5, reprint your conventions error, explain the error, and correct the error. This may result in a boost to your conventions score.