You will have chapters 1-5 of Huck Finn due on Monday.
On Tuesday and Wednesday after school next week, there will be an extra credit video opportunity in room 113 after school. To earn extra credit, you must first view and take notes on the video. Then, you will write a one page summary of what you learned and a one page reflection of what you found interesting or significant, what it made you consider, etc. (double-spaced). This will be due on the Friday before break, 12/18.
Your next essay will be due on January 8th, which is the Friday you return from break. It is a synthesis style essay, which is very similar to a history DBQ with the main difference being that it is required that you do use quotations to support your opinions. The documents that this is based on are available here. It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with this assignment before vacation so that you can ask any questions before break begins.
I will make an effort to set up a "rough draft editing" assignment on Turnitin if you are looking for a place to receive student feedback over break.