1. Please read chapters 5 and 6 of Gatsby.
2. Your observation paragraph is due on Sunday, March 23rd by 11:59 pm. Make sure to submit it on Turnitin. Information and an example of an observation paragraph are available on the research paper page.
3. Your importance thinking activity is due on Tuesday, April 1st on paper. Please bring a printed copy to class on Tuesday. This does not need to be submitted online. Information is available on the research paper page. Note that you are completing this activity for only 2 of your importance quotations.
You can find the overheads about connective phrases and examples available here.
I have also posted an assignment on Turnitin called "randome/late checkpoints" if you would like to submit a document asking for help over spring break. This is a better way that over email, so type up whatever questions you have, examples, quotations, whatever, and I will do my best to answer them if I have time.