1. Please finish reading the Whitman "Song of Myself" excerpts found in your book on pages 456-460. We will continue to discuss Whitman tomorrow.
2. Please remember to check your "Usher" antithesis essays for comments on Turnitin. I am almost halfway finished (through the L's, I think), and I am hoping that your feedback will be helpful for your essay next week. I have changed the settings to allow a late submission, so you may upload your assignment if you haven't already done so.
3. The quizlet is available here. There are a few glitches: there are some questions we haven't done yet, and a couple of times the answer is a quotation which doesn't work that well on the fill in the blank tests. But the flashcards are a great resource, and it is definitely better than no quizlet, which is what I usually have for my students. Yay for Evelyn! Now, get studying!