You will need to complete the following process and bring your annotated paper to class on Thursday.
1. Print out a new copy of your Edwards Intro and Body Paragraph.
2. Print out copies of the Analysis Rubric, and the Conventions and Transitions Rubric. (see previous post)
3. Read your paper for transitions. When you find a clear transitional element, put a box around it. If you have a less clear transitional element, put a dotted box around it. If you do not have a transitional element, write the word TRAN in a box located where that element should go. Hint: you should have THREE transitional elements in this paragraph that occur as you introduce each example. If you are struggling with this, here is a list of some transitional phrases.
4. Read your paper for Analysis. After each quotation, check for "how" analysis. This should be a couple of sentences explaining "how" the example you just gave creates fear in the reader. You cannot assume that your reader knows why a spider is scary; you must explain this. If you are lacking "how" analysis, or if it is weak, right a note that says either "connect to how" or "how analysis?". After this, check for why analysis. As the last few words of each example, you will need to explain that this fear motivates people to return to the church, have conversion, lead religious lives, etc. If this step is missing, you will need to write, "connect to why".
5. Create a list at the top of your paper that is abbreviated AN, TRAN, CON. Place your number score (based on the rubric descriptions) that you would give your paper in each category.