Important Note to Students

The HAMLIT assignment page is a convenience but not something to be dependent on. When possible, homework and reading assignments will be posted here, but you are expected to complete all assignments that are announced in class on time, regardless of whether they are posted online. If you are absent, or do not remember if there is an assignment, you will need to contact another member of class to verify what the assignment is. Neither I nor the site are responsible for your failure to complete this responsibility.

Friday, May 31, 2013

TOMATS Reading and Author Imitation Assignment

Old Man and the Sea Reading Due Monday, 6/3: Pages 68-94

Last sentence: "Then it spread like a cloud . . . "

Author Imitation Assignment

Prep: Create a 4 quadrant chart in which you write down the following information for Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Steinbeck, and Faulkner

Types of Characters
Common Themes
Stylistic Observations
A defining Quotation

This will be turned in along with your Rough Draft and Final Copy of your Author Imitation Essay.

Rough Draft Due 6/6 (Please put your name only on the back of the last page)
Final Copy Due 6/7

Your task is to write a short story in the style of one of the major 4 Modern American authors we have studied this semester. You have randomly been assigned your author based on your last name. If you want to switch with someone with another author, you both must come in and get my formal permission to switch authors.

The alphabet breakdown:

A-Dan: Hemingway
Dav-Krieg: Faulker
Lay-Riv: Fitzgerald
Ro-Yeh: Steinback

Your short story should be between 2-3 pages in length (hopefully closer to 3.) You must imitate your author in regards to:

- Subject matter
- Setting
- Characters
- Themes
- Style (diction, syntax, figurative language, etc.)

Other students will be reading your story and attempting to guess which author you are imitating. Therefore, give your story a real (and hopefully significant title) as opposed to calling it “Hemingway imitation story.” Also, this is why for your rough draft, you name should occur only on the back of the last page.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Reading Due Friday

Due Friday, May 13: Pages 43-68

Last sentence: "'I do not know,' he said aloud. 'I have never had a bone spur.'"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Due Thursday: Pages 1-43

Last sentence: "He tightened the pressure of his thumb and finger for a moment and the weight increased and was going straight down"

Text of Old man and the Sea.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wash due Friday

Please read Faulkner's Wash and be prepared to discuss. Make sure to have an understanding of Faulkner's use of flashback.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Due Monday

Due Monday:Read "Flight" by Steinbeck.

(This story is available in your textbook, so the link is provided just in case you forgot to take your book home.)

If you were absent Friday, we also worked on the following stories in class. We have only discussed one so far, so we will be discussing "A Clean Well Lighted Place" in class on Monday as well as the Steinbeck piece.

"Hills like White Elephants" and "A Clean well-lighted Place."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


For Thursday, please read the story "In Another Country" by Ernest Hemingway. (722-727).

Pay special attention to:

- The role of technology
- Existential elements (alienation, creation of essence, anxiety)
- Symbolism of characters

(In other words, if I ask a question about these topics in class, you should be able to point to specific quotations and add your own thoughts.)

Here is the complete text (I think) just in case you've forgotten your book. Just ignore the weird layout.