Important Note to Students

The HAMLIT assignment page is a convenience but not something to be dependent on. When possible, homework and reading assignments will be posted here, but you are expected to complete all assignments that are announced in class on time, regardless of whether they are posted online. If you are absent, or do not remember if there is an assignment, you will need to contact another member of class to verify what the assignment is. Neither I nor the site are responsible for your failure to complete this responsibility.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Due Monday, (January 3rd?)

1. Please read through Chapter 33 of Huck Finn and continue to pay attention to the themes that we have been tracking so far. This will be due on Monday after break.

2.1 Here is a link to the vocabulary assignment if you'd like to get started on it: Huck Finn Vocab assignment. I'll probably collect this on Tuesday or Wednesday, be beware that I'll also be assigning additional chapters to read during that time.

Have a GREAT vacation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Due Friday, 12/10

Read Chapters 1-5 of Huckleberry Finn for Friday.

For our reading of Huckleberry Finn, pay careful attention to the following topics. I suggest that you mark these topics in your text (or on a post-it). If you want to be extra fancy, you can also color-code these different ideas in your notes.

The role of the river
Women (and their influence on Huck)
Class Consciousness
Racial Identity
Money/Wealth/Acquisitiveness (wanting to acquire stuff)
Search for Approval

Here is a link to an electronic copy, if you do not have your own yet.