Important Note to Students

The HAMLIT assignment page is a convenience but not something to be dependent on. When possible, homework and reading assignments will be posted here, but you are expected to complete all assignments that are announced in class on time, regardless of whether they are posted online. If you are absent, or do not remember if there is an assignment, you will need to contact another member of class to verify what the assignment is. Neither I nor the site are responsible for your failure to complete this responsibility.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Due 12/1

Read and think about the following poems by Dickinson:

"There's a Certain slant..." 369
"I never saw..." 374
"Tell all the Truth" 375
"Because I could not stop"380
"The Bustle in a House" 383
"As imperceptibly" 386
"There is a solitude" 389
"This is my letter" 390

Romanticism Test Study Guide

Remember, this is fill in the blank with NO word bank.

Part I: 60 Questions (approximately)

Passage Identification:

 Title of Work
 Author
 Character/Speaker

Author Identification

 Characteristics of authors

Literary Classifications/Terms associated with:

 Light Romanticism
 Dark Romanticism
 Transcendentalism
 Anti-Transcendentalism

Literary Schools/Groups

Historical Context

Themes and analysis of short stories.

Part II: Mini Essay

Monday, November 29, 2010

Due Nov. 30

Read the poem, "Thanatopsis" on page 202
Read the poem, "I felt a Funeral" on page 378

Then, create a brief Venn-ish diagram chart, that looks at similarities and differences between these two poems. Consider comparing things like, subject matter, verse form, diction, imagery, figurative language.

This will be similar to your Bradford/Smith chart and can be created as the three columns below, if you don't prefer to use the circles of a "real" Venn diagram.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Review Card Assignment

...but a good assignment to get started on.

You will be completing a review cards for the Romantic authors we have read. A review card must contain the following information:

Name of Author
Literary School/Movement associated with them (if applicable)
Region associated with that author
Names of works that we read by that author
Approximate date when these works were published
Characteristics of their writing
Important Quotation(s) from what we read

These cards must show some effort in their design and layout. They should be in ink or typed. (Part of the score for these cards will based on their presentation.)

You must create a review card for the following authors:

William Cullen Bryant
Washington Irving
James Fenimoore Cooper
Edgar Allen Poe
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oliver Wendell Holmes
James Russell Lowell
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Herman Melville
Emily Dickinson
Walt Whitman

(This assignment will most likely be due on the day of the Romanticism test, so stay tuned for a specific date)

I realize that you may not be able to fill in all information at this time, or complete cards for Dickinson or Whitman. However, you will still benefit from getting them started since you will have other assignments during the week you come back.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Due Friday 11/19

Yes, I decided I would like this on Friday, in case we have a chance to discuss them in class.

Read the following poems:

334- “The Tide Rises”

336- “The Psalm of Life”

347- “The Chambered Nautilus”

352- “First Snowfall”

Write a response for each poem consisting of:

1. Literal Summary (1-2 sentences):

2. Interpretation/Theme: What deeper meaning does this poem convey (2-3


3. Style analysis: What poetry devices (rhyme, figurative language, allusions, diction...) does this pome make use of? How do they help enhance the theme? (1-2 sentences)

Please include these three questions after the title of each poem on your paper. Then, complete question number four after you have read and responded to all 4 poems:

4. What similarities do these poems share? In what way do they differ from each other? Which one did you find the most enjoyable? Explain your thoughts... (4-5 sentences)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Due Monday, 11/15

For the “Minister’s Black Veil” reflection paper, you will write/type around two pages of your thoughts concerning the story. [Double-spaced if typed; single spaced if hand-written] You will write in well constructed complete sentences, but you will not follow any specific paper structure; I’m interested mostly in your ideas. However, please continue to use formal voice: no I, me, you, etc.

I want you write about your insights into the story. You may wish to consider the following questions: What different things does the black veil symbolize? What insight into humanity does the story present? What insight into the self does the story suggest? What ironies are inherent in the work? What motivated Rev. Hooper to wear the veil?

You should use at least 2-3 quotations over the course of your ponderings.

Also, you may want to get a head start on reading the excerpts from Melville's Moby Dick in your lit book which will be due on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Due 11/10

Yep, read "Dr. Heidegger's Experiement".

Friday, November 5, 2010

Due 11/8

Read the excerpt from Walden in your text book, making connections to what you already know about Transcendentalism. Also, don't forget to vote on the Emerson quotation poll.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Due 11/4

Read the excerpts by Emerson:



For Friday, we'll be discussing the background reading from (240-257), and I recommend getting a start on that reading as well, since the Emerson selections are short, and there is another (short) assignment that will be due on Friday.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Due Nov 3

Read the excerpt from "The Praire" by Cooper. (190-199) Then, write thoughtful answers for the following questions.

1. In what ways does the enviroment symbolize the action that is taking place?

2. In what ways do the Native Americans in the story demonstrate compassion for Natty Bumpo?

3. What commentary does this story offer about religious beliefs? (Consider by evaluating the religious beliefs presented)

4. What are Natty Bumppo's requests for when he dies, and what do these reveal about his character?

5. What is the symbolism behind the two figures at Natty Bumppo's side during his death?

6. What are some things about this excerpt that strike you as being difficult to believe or unrealistic? (dare I say, even "cheesy")

Monday, November 1, 2010

Due Nov. 2

Read the Romanticism background section (162-173) and be prepared to take a reading quiz based on this material.